Advanced Immune Support - Combination of mushrooms and astragalus to increase NK cell activity and immune support. One capsule twice daily.
Probiotics - Beneficial bacteria/flora to help achieve and support optimal immune function. One to six daily depending on symptoms.
Vitamin C - Fights infections and facilitates healing. Lessens symptoms and severity of colds and flu. 2,000 mg to 10,000 daily as tolerated.
Vitamin D - The "antibiotic vitamin". Critical to optimal immune function. 5,000 IU daily through cold and flu season.
N-acetyl-cysteine - Suppresses cold and flu symptoms and reduces mucous accumulation. 1,500 mg - 6,000 mg daily.
Olive Leaf Extract - Potent antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal. Olive leaf is a natural antibiotic agent. 500 mg - 3,000 mg daily.
Oregacillin - Potent antimicrobial. Supports respiratory health. 900 mg daily.
Transfer Factor - Colostrum. Ensures a strong immune system. 200 mg three times daily.
Zinc - For optimal immune function and to facilitate healing. 50 mg daily.
Selenium - To lessen severity of illness, reduce cytokine storm, and support immunity. 200 mcg daily.
Elderberry - Anti-inflammatory. Reduces aches, pain and fever.
Argentyn 23 - For relief of or to ward off cold/flu. Spray in throat up to three times daily.