Top 10 supplements for 2017

By Dr. Ronald Hoffman

It's time to announce my candidates for Top Ten Supplements for 2017. There are some oldies but goodies here, as well as some newbies. It's hard to narrow my choices to just ten, because there are so many exciting supplements out there (many of which I take!), but you can't go wrong starting with these:

1. Fish oil: Still tops my list over all these years. Supports brain, heart, mood, cognition, and possesses anti-inflammatory properties. It's available in many forms: capsules (ordinary gel and enteric-coated), liquids, and little flavored squeegee packs that kids love, and in varying ratios of EPA/DHA. Listen to my recent podcast where I pose the question "Why isn't everyone taking fish oil?"

2. MethylGuard: It's all about "methylation." Some people are genetically susceptible to B vitamin inadequacy via defects in their MTHFR genes. High-dose folate, B12, B6 and trimethylglycine (TMG) power up methylation pathways. The result may be improved mood, reduced cardiovascular risk, even alleviation of symptoms of histamine intolerance.

3.RegActiv: Essential Formulas, makers of the popular Dr. Ohirra's probiotic, expanded their lineup last year with the addition of RegActiv, a unique probiotic that generates glutathione in the gut. Glutathione is the body's master antioxidant, responsible for quenching free radicals that promote cellular dysfunction and aging.

4. Sulforaphane: A derivative of cruciferous vegetables, sulforaphane is known for its cancer-preventive properties. But new studies are confirming its benefits for brain and heart. It's neuroprotective effects may even extend to autism. I dish on the science of sulforaphane and my preferred delivery system, Oncoplex, here.

5. Curcumin: This derivative of the spice turmeric has soared in popularity over the past few years, and 2017 will see continued refinements in product development. We did an outstanding podcast with Dr. Ajay Goel about curcumin in 2016. While curcumin has been found to be helpful for cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, dementia and Alzheimer's, depression, and joint disease, making it bio-available is a challenge. As a result, I stock three types of curcumin depending on its intended target: Meriva for joints and generalized inflammation; Cogumin for brain; and Curcuplex-95 for the GI tract.

6. Magnesium: A nutritional perennial, the key to understanding magnesium is that it acts as an essential catalyst for virtually all of the body's energy reactions. No wonder it helps reduce insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes. It also helps blood pressure, reduces cardiac arrhythmias, and muscle spasms. Plus, it acts as a relaxant, useful for promoting sleep and combatting anxiety. As with curcumin, I stock several types of magnesium: magnesium citrate which is a great natural laxative; Jigsaw magnesium which repletes body stores of magnesium without GI side effects, Protosorb magnesium (magnesium threonate) which crosses the blood-brain barrier; magnesium taurate which is ideal for cardiac arrhythmias and blood pressure; and magnesium glycinate tablets and powder

7. NT Factor: I first debuted NT Factor on national radio 15 years ago. I was impressed by results in my patients and by studies showing it could alleviate fatigue in debilitated subjects. Prominent doctors who treat Lyme Disease and Gulf War Syndrome embrace it. Today, I still take NT Factor and recommend it to patients.

8. Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract: Garlic is beneficial, but a patented aging and fermentation process harnesses the power of its sulfur compounds. Positive effects on coronary calcification, blood vessel flexibility and blood pressure have been documented by research. We covered these, as well as Kyolic's role in immune support in a recent podcast with James Lavalle.

9. PhytoGuard: A product I first formulated in the 90s as an ideal combination of phytonutrients, PhytoGuard has undergone several iterative upgrades. It contains EGCG from green tea; broccoli sprout extract, a potent source of sulforaphane; resveratrol; quercetin; turmeric; ginger; and lycopene. Recently, I added pomegranate extract, a rich in proanthcyanidins. Consider PhytoGuard a perfect accompaniment to your daily multi.

10. Niacel: Nicotinamide riboside, in my opinion, is one of the most promising nutraceuticals to hit the marketplace in a long time. There's extensive research linking nicotinamide riboside to neuro-protection and anti-aging; some studies suggest it can forestall insulin resistance. I like it because it boosts cellular energy production through a pathway that complements that of coenzyme Q10. Many of my patients and listeners have validated my impression that it boosts energy, mental focus, and athletic performance. Here's what I had to say about it earlier last year. In 2016 Niacel became one of the most popular products in our dispensary, and I predict it will gain even more traction in 2017.

As 2017 progresses, I'll continue to share my reviews of promising supplements that might be worth your consideration in the new year.

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