Top 10 Intelligent Medicine podcasts of 2016

By Dr. Ronald Hoffman

As the year draws to a close, I wanted to remind all my readers that Intelligent Medicine is more than just a weekly radio show that you may or may not have a chance to catch in real-time.

Each week, we also generate 4 additional podcasts that can be accessed via your computer, iPad, or any mobile device. You can download them individually on our website on our website or subscribe via iTunes or Stitcher.

There's an inventory of scores of podcasts with fascinating content: interviews with top personalities in the field of complementary and alternative medicine, our weekly Q&A with Hoffman Center nutritionist Leyla Muedin, as well as my solo disquisitions on a wide range of clinical focus topics.

Each week, we also generate 4 additional podcasts that can be accessed via your computer, iPad, or any mobile device. You can download them individually on our website or subscribe via iTunes or Stitcher. There's an inventory of scores of podcasts with fascinating content: interviews with top personalities in the field of complementary and alternative medicine, our weekly Q&A with Hoffman Center nutritionist Leyla Muedin, as well as my solo disquisitions on a wide range of clinical focus topics.

We get 5-star reviews on iTunes, with raves like this: "Long time listener . . . Dr. Hoffman has such a balanced approach to health and nutrition, giving us the most sound info possible. I could go on and on about how great he is. Instead, just listen and learn! Leyla, his nutritionist, also offers excellent advice."

You can browse all of the podcasts chronologically, or use the Podcast Index to help you locate topics of special interest to you.

And best of all, Intelligent Medicinepodcasts are free, and you don't need to wade through tons of commercials to get to the good stuff.

If you were to listen to all of them, you would receive an extraordinary grounding in the principles and practice of integrative medicine and applied nutrition. If it were up to me, I'd be handing out honorary degrees!

But listening to all of them would also take up a lot of your time (well worth it if you ask me!), so I've hand-picked ten of the top podcasts of 2016 that deserve your special attention. I hope you enjoy them, and I encourage you to share them with any friends or family who you think might find them helpful and informative. And don't forget to follow me on Twitter and Facebook to stay up to date with the latest in Intelligent Medicine all year long.

My Top Ten Intelligent Medicine podcasts of 2016:

1. Reversal of cognitive decline with Dr. Dale Bredesen:

Dr. Bredesen outlines his pioneering research demonstrating restoration of memory and cognition via a comprehensive program of lifestyle modification (diet, sleep optimization, exercise, stress reduction) along with targeted nutrient supplementation.

2. The Whole30 Diet with Melissa Hartwig: Melissa dishes on the scientific rationale of her version of the Paleo Diet, whose benefits I can personally attest to.

3. Natural treatment of prostate cancer with Geo Espinosa: A comprehensive overview of diet, lifestyle and supplement strategies for prevention and reversal of prostate cancer.

4. The Dirt Cure with Dr. Maya Shetreat-Klein: Dr. Shetreat-Klein, an integrative pediatric neurologist, offers her recipe for raising healthy children and combatting our current epidemics of allergies, autoimmunity, and degenerative diseases.

5. The Allergy Solution with Dr. Leo Galland:

In the wake of his popular book and PBS series, Dr. Galland describes his program for empowering patients to discover the hidden causes of their allergic symptoms.

6. Supporting Immune Function: A Lifestyle and Nutrient Approach with Dr. Thomas Guilliams: A comprehensive discussion of immunity, and how to bolster it via natural interventions.

7. The ketogenic diet for cancer with Dr. Thomas Seyfried: Dr. Seyfried shares his remarkable insights on the origins of cancer, and how carbohydrate restriction may support remarkable recoveries.

8. The Fibro-Fix with Dr. David Brady: Dr. Brady provides a detailed program for reversal of fibromyalgia.

9. Everything you ever wanted to know about fats and oils with Diana Noland: A veteran nutritionist shares a comprehensive primer on fats and oils: Omega 3s vs Omega 6s, polyunsaturated vs. saturated, short and medium chain triglycerides, trans fats, and which to incorporate in a healthy diet.

10. How screen addiction is hijacking our kids with Dr. Nicholas Kardaras:

The author of "Glow Kids" issues a stirring call to action about the addictive potential of gaming, social media, and mobile device overuse in the vulnerable young.

With nearly three and a half million downloads since its inception in 2014, we're gratified so many of you are taking advantage of this free resource. Thanks for making Intelligent Medicine a success!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and all the best in the coming year to you and your families!

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